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  • 【Career Opportunities】“Leading scholars” and “Young top talents” at Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Law
  • Published:2020/03/30 10:42:41 News source:

General Information

The origin of Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) School of Law traces to the earlier years of Nanyang Public College. Alumni such as Judge WANG Chung-hui (JSD, Yale University; the first Chinese Judge at the Permanent Court of International Justice), Judge Hsu Mo (the first Chinese Judge at the International Court of Justice) and LI Shutong (the earliest Chinese scholar who translated Private International Law textbooks) had left significant marks in the legal developments both within China and on the world stage. XJTU resumed its legal education in 1985, since when the LLM in Economic Law program was started, as one of the earliest in this field in China. Formally established in 2008, XJTU School of Law is committed to building up a “high-level, internationalized and research-oriented” world-class law school. Today, the integrated legal education system of XJTU School of Law comprises PhD programs (in both Law and Law and Governance), LLM programs, practice-oriented Juris Master (JM) program, and LLB programs. XJTU School of Law was recognized by the Ministry of Education and other central governmental authorities as both “Outstanding Legal Education Centre for Foreign-related Legal Personnel Cultivation” and “Outstanding Legal Education Centre for Interdisciplinary and Practical Legal Personnel Cultivation”. XJTU School of Law is actively engaged in academic exchange and cooperation with world-class institutes, including with Lauterpacht Research Center for International Law (LCIL), University of Cambridge. A "Silk Road Scholar Scheme" in particular was established with the LCIL to foster mutual exchange of young scholars. The School also has “Chinese Bachelor’s Degree + Australian JD Degree” program and LLM in “Chinese Law and International Commercial Law” with University of New South Wales. XJTU School of Law was Accredited the World’s First 5-Star Law School by QS. It is listed as one of the top 14 law schools in mainland China in 2020 QS World University Rankings by Law and Legal Studies.


XJTU School of Law currently has over fifty members of staff, including academic staff who were graduated from leading international and domestic universities such as University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan and Peking University. Among them, there are three members of National Level Talents Program, four members of New Century Excellent Talents Program, one member of Shaanxi “Hundred Talents” Program, three University Tengfei Professors, nine of which are at the same time qualified PhD supervisors, twelve professors, and twenty-one associate professors. The School co-founded the English-language international academic journal, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, with the University of Oxford Press and the International Academy of Comparative Law. XJTU School of Law took the lead in establishing the Silk Road Institute for International and Comparative Law and The Ministry of Commerce-Shaanxi-XJTU Collaborative Innovation Center for Silk Road Economic Belt Legal Studies. The School also has close academic relationship with top universities in the world, including University of Cambridge, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, King’s College London, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law and International Private Law, and European University Institute. School staffs have published articles in leading international and Chinese journals such as European Journal of International Law, American Journal of Comparative Law, ICSID Review, The Modern Law Review, Social Sciences in China, Legal Studies, and Chinese Legal Science. The School is also charged with various important international research programs and dozens of national or provincial social science research projects.

XJTU School of Law aims to build a "high level, internationalized, research-oriented" world-class law school. The School now is hiring "leading scholars", "young top talent" and "young talents" and so on. The School will provide first-class working conditions and excellent living conditions for the finalists. XJTU School of Law warmly welcomes the international and domestic legal talents to join us!


Academic Positions

1.Leading scholars

"Leading scholar" refers to outstanding scholars who have important academic achievements recognized both at home and abroad in the field of law, have the ability to lead the school to the world-class level in his/her field. The candidates can represent the leading level in the field of law, including outstanding talents who have been recognized by the Chinese government, distinguished scholars who have served as professors at internationally well-known universities or in comparable positions in internationally well-known research institutions, outstanding scholars who have undertaken major scientific research projects and produced important academic achievements, and scholars with similar academic achievements and contributions equivalent to those of the above-mentioned.


Meeting one of the below conditions can be directly selected as a "leading scholar". State-level famous teachers; national talent program members; State recognized outstanding contribution experts; the first author of the first prize winner of the Humanities and Social Sciences Excellence Award of the Ministry of Education, or being the first author of second prize winner twice; professors at International well-known universities (or equivalent position at internationally renowned research institutions), and also serve at important management positions at XJTU full-time or part-time, etc.



Basic   salary

Other   incomes

Leading   Scholars

600,000   yuan +

per   year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Working   & living benefits

1. Successful applicants will   receive a research   fund.

2. Successful applicants are eligible to   either live in or buy “talent apartment” provided by the university.

3. Successful applicants’   children will have access to favorable education resources affiliated with   the university.


2.Young top talents

Young top talents are expected to have a doctorate degree, be under 40 years old, have outstanding academic achievements, and the potential to become a "Leading scholar". Two categories are included in this program, namely “Professor” and “Associate Professor”.



Basic   salary

Other   incomes


450,000   yuan per year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Associate    Professor

300,000   yuan per year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Working   & living benefits

1. Successful applicants will   receive   a research fund of over 500,000 yuan.

2. One-time relocation allowance: 350,000 yuan   (after tax).

3. Successful applicants are eligible to   either live in or buy “talent apartment” provided by the university

4. Successful applicants’   children will have access to favorable education resources affiliated with   the university.

Note, national "four young" winners, or scholars got into the national "four youth" interview session, can be directly selected in the "professor" category. Those who are outstanding in some subjects may receive an additional $250,000/year special grant. Special occasions can negotiate with the school in person.


3.Young talents

Young talents are expected to have a doctorate degree, be under 32 years old, have certain achievements in law, have potential in publishing articles and leading research program, and his/her research field is in line with the requirement of "facing the forefront of world science and technology, facing the main battleground of economy, and facing the major needs of the country".



Basic   salary

Other   incomes

Young   talents A

300,000   yuan per year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Young   talents B and C

160,000-200,000   yuan per year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Working   & living benefits

1. Successful applicants can apply to “the   Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities” provided by the   University. When getting into the “Leading scholars” and “Young top talents”, research fund   and one-time relocation allowance will be   provided.

2. Successful applicants are eligible to rent an apartment provided by the university or have 1500   yuan/month rental allowance.

3. Social insurance and housing provident fund are provided in   accordance with relevant regulations.

4. Successful applicants’   children will have access to favorable education resources affiliated with   the university.

Note, scholars who already got into the "postdoctoral innovation talent support program" and the "post-doctoral international exchange program introduction project" will be considered talent A directly.


4.Other Faculty Positions



Professors are expected to have a doctorate degree, high academic achievements, and be under 45 years old.



Basic   salary

Other   incomes


280,000-360,000   yuan per year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Working   & living benefits

1. Successful applicants will   receive a start-up   research fund of 120,000 yuan.

2. Successful applicants will   receive a relocation allowance of 70,000-12,000 yuan.

3. Successful applicants are eligible to rent an apartment provided by the university or have 1000   yuan/month rental allowance.

4. Social insurance and housing provident fund are provided in   accordance with relevant regulations.

5. Successful applicants’   children will have access to favorable education resources affiliated with   the university.


(2)Associate Professors

Associate Professors are expected to have a doctorate degree, two years and more working experience, a continuity of twelve month and long period of time studying or working aboard, have high academic achievements, under 35 years old, or under 40 years old for social science scholar.



Basic   salary

Other   incomes

Associate   Professors

220,000-280,000   yuan per year

Performance   based salary distributed by the Law School + income from Research and Social   Services

Working   & living benefits

1. Successful applicants will receive   a   start-up research fund of  60,000 yuan   for social science.

2. Successful applicants will   receive a relocation allowance of 60,000 yuan.

3. Successful applicants are eligible to rent an apartment provided by the university or have 2000   yuan/month rental allowance.

4. Social insurance and housing provident fund are provided in   accordance with relevant regulations.

5. Successful applicants’   children will have access to favorable education resources affiliated with   the university.

Note, Associate Professors have short term and tenure systems. For short term associate professors, the contract is three years. For those who have fulfilled the requirements listed in the contract may turn into tenure system.


Contact information

Add: School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi.

Contact: Dr. Sheng Zhang

Telephone: +86-29-82664423

Fax: +86-29-82665967

E-mail: sheng-zhang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn; fxy@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Website: /

